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October 18, 2024  

Get help writing your wedding vows

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Wedding Vow Toolkit

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Sample Wedding Vows

Here are some sentences and examples to get you started. You may use any of these vows, but we ask that you give credit to and include the web address in your ceremony program. Thank you.

Sample Wedding Vows - Starters

  • I, ______, choose you, ______, as my best friend for life.
  • I, ______, choose you, ______, to embark upon this great journey of marriage with me.
  • I, ______, take you, ______ ,as my soulmate and companion.
  • I, ______, take you, ______, to be my wife, my partner, my friend, my confidant, my soulmate.
Sample Wedding Vows - Middle of your vows

  • Together, we can accomplish anything.
  • Together, we will be better than we could be alone.
  • Together, we will share our love with the world.
  • Together, our love will grow into a bond too strong to break.
  • Our love may be like the ebb and tide of the ocean, but it will always flow.
  • Through the good and bad, I want you to always know that I will be by your side.
  • I will be there for you in the ups and downs of life.
  • I pledge my all to you.
Sample Wedding Vows - Pledges

  • In sickness, I will nurse you back to health. In health, I will encourage you on your path. In sadness, I will help you to remember. In happiness, I will be there make to memories with you. In poverty, I will do all that I can to make our love rich. And in wealth, I will never let our love grow poor.

  • When you need someone to encourage you, I want it to be me. When you need a helping hand, I want it to be mine. When you long for someone to smile at, turn to me. When you have something to share, share it with me.

  • Though life may not always be as perfect as it is at this moment, I vow to always keep my love as pure as it is today. I promise to be there for you in your laughter and your tears, in your sickness and your health, in your comfort and your fears, in your poverty and your wealth. I know that our love is heaven sent, and I promise to be there for you for all your life, come what may.

  • We have already been through a lot together, and I believe that God has been preparing us for this moment and for our future together. I promise to keep the good memories alive, and to let the bad ones die. I vow not to let the sun go down on our anger, and to treat each morning as a new day to love you, the gift I have been given. I will not forsake you or these vows that we have made, but rather strive to show you my love for the rest of our lives. This is my promise to you.
Sample Wedding Vows - Theme Vows

I, ______, take you, ______, as my best friend for life. I am so in love with you that I want to promise to stand beside you through thick and thin, through good and bad, through joy and sorrow. I want to spend the rest of my life hearing your thoughts and seeing your dreams. I promise to do my best to make our lives better and better from this day on because I am so amazed by you. This is my solemn vow.

"From This Moment"
From this moment, I, Name, take you, Name, as my best friend for life. I pledge to honor, encourage, and support you through our walk together. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you. This is my solemn vow.

"1 Corinthians 13"
I, ______, take you, ______, as the love of my life. I vow to be patient with you and the circumstances in our lives. I vow to be kind to all people we come across. I vow not to be boastful of our love or about our accomplishments. I promise to be proud of you, but not proud in love for though I will strive for perfection, I know I can never reach it. I promise not to be quick to anger, but to think before I speak and act. I vow not to keep a record of wrongs, but to always keep the happy memories alive. Through God, our love will never fail.

"Could Not Ask for More"
I, ______, choose you, ______, as my everything. I vow to love you through sickness and health, through the good and the bad, through richer and poorer. You are everything I need, and at this moment I know that all my prayers have been answered and that all of my dreams have come true. This is the moment I have waited my whole life for. I promise to give you my all and I know that I could not ask for more from you. I love you and always will. This is my solemn vow.

Wedding Vow Toolkit

If you need additional assistance writing your vows, I recently read a 161-page Wedding Vow Toolkit that has a lot of examples and good suggestions to get you going. As of this writing, it is for sale for $17.

Wedding Vows Shared in Love Writing Your Vows Together
Writing Your Vows Separately
Vow Writing Worksheet

Renewing Your Wedding Vows
Vow Renewal Template
Example Renewal vows
Elvis Vows

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