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 "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is love."
- Sophocles

Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel
December 21, 2002


Our Wedding Party

  James (Jim)

(Friend of the Groom)
College years at Purdue were great for me (David).  I made many new friends and had many great experiences.  One of the most memorable times I had was my senior design class where I met and became close friends with Jim.  As one of the most easy going people I know Jim helped me through a very stressful semester.  As fellow design team members we ended up spending many late hours together arguing and creating the aircraft we called STAR.  To top off the semester Jim and his wife, Becky, were blessed with the birth of their daughter Emily.  I am proud to have Jim as a part of my wedding.


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