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 "Not all of us have to possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do."
- Myrtle Auvil

Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel
December 21, 2002


Our Wedding Party

  Robert and Amy
Master and Mistress of Ceremonies

Remember those Young Authors books in elementary school?  Well, I (Lori) wrote one all about my Uncle Bob, who saved the day with an ice cream cone.  When I was three or so, and we lived in Detroit, I was riding along on my tricycle, and I fell and skinned my knee.  Oh, I thought it was the end of the world, but my Uncle Bob ran to the ice cream truck and got me a cone.  The world seemed like a much better place after that.  Uncle Bob is now a principal and Aunt Amy is a health teacher at West Noble Middle School  – and I still remember what a better place the world is when you buy people ice cream.


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